Social Media Security…

So there’s been a lot of Social Media security breaches in the news recently with some huge companies across the world involved.

For example…

From KitchenAid’s twitter mishap to HMV’s #XFactorFiring and then more recently to someone hacking into Burger King’s twitter account.

In this day and age, security for your company’s social media accounts are of the utmost importance.

This is where HootSuite come in… They have some fantastic Security Features.

Also, check out Ryan Holmes‘ article on HootSuite’s Security.

The AirBnB Story

Another great video to demonstrate the vast amount of features of HootSuite, from analytics and reporting to engagement and collaboration.

It’s great to see insights of other companies who use HootSuite and what they are saying about them. Establishing just how effective HootSuite is a social media tool for small to large companies.

The Best Social Media Tool

HootSuite is a fantastic social media tool. It’s pretty clear that it is effective because of the almost immediate responses I get if a problem arises or I have a question. Their responses are always cheery, helpful and almost instantaneous.

In this day and age, as consumers, we expect instantaneous results. We have the internet at our fingertips and yet we want things done yesterday. Sometimes there is nothing worse than being stuck on a problem for longer than you have to be.

HootSuite just has great customer service!


HootSuite’s Twitter Week In Review

Want to know what has been trending on Twitter in the last week? HootSuite compiles a weekly review of the trends and sets about explaining the first couple. It’s really interesting, especially if you may have missed out on a trend and you’re not sure what everyone is talking about! Another sure way to keep up to date with what is happening around the world.

Thanks HootSuite!


Hootlet Extension

What can I say? The Hootlet browser extension is fantastic. Most online articles I read nowadays come with share buttons. These include separate buttons for the different social network. As an avid social media user, I usually will want to share a specific article on two or more separate platforms.

With Hootlet, it couldn’t be simpler! One click and you can select as many networks as you like, you can even auto schedule them to be released at the optimum time. Perfect!

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